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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Carbon Laminates And Carbon Pultruded Strips

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ERCON ( CFRP ) Pultruded Carbon Fibre Laminate for Retrofitting of structures

ERCON Pultruded Carbon Fibre reinforced (CFRP) Plates, used to strengthen existing structural members. These ERCON Plates provide additional reinforcement that strengthens and stiffens existing structure. Unlike Steel Plates, ERCON Carbon Laminates are light weight, easy to install and does not corrode. These Plates can be used in surface mounted applications where it is bonded onto the surface of a structural member where these Carbon Plates are installed in shallow grooves cut into the existing structural member. The Plate is bonded using Epoxy Resin specifically suited for the application. The final result is an externally bonded reinforcement system offering an outstanding long term chemical and mechanical properties.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Carbon Laminates And Carbon Pultruded Strips, Custom Moulded Products, F. R. P. Cage Ladders, F. R. P. Gratings, F. R. P. Hand Rails And Fencing, F. R. P. Ladder And Fiberglass Ladder, F. R. P. Lighting Pole, F. R. P. Solar Module Supports, F. R. P. Yellow Line, Fgp Moulders, Fibre Glass Cross Arms, Frangible Glide Path Mast, Frangible Light Mast And Poles, Frp Bath Tub, Frp Cabin, Frp Cabins, Frp Cables Trays, Frp Custom Moulded Products, Frp Door, Frp Hdpe Moulded Sintex Tanks, Frp Ladders, Frp Manhole Covers, Frp Moulded Gratings, Frp Mushroom, Frp Pultruded Sections, Frp Sbc Toilets, Frp Window Shades, Gratings In Frp Materials, Grp And F. R. P. Cable Trays, Grp Trench Covers, Hdpe Moulded Sintex Tanks, Ladders Frp, Moulded Sintex Tanks, Other Products, Pultruded Structural F. R. P. Sections, Pvc Cables Trays, Sintex Water Tanks